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Netradyne Training Video

Our Amazon Branded vehicles are outfitted with Netradyne's Safety system. This AI system monitors speed, traffic laws, and more. This partnership has created a positive environment for safety with our drivers.

Scoring Metrics

Amazon releases a weekly scorecard. This scorecard rates the Company with a overall score, as well as each driver.

Below are definitions and descriptions of driver scoring metrics, and information on how to maintain and improve your scores from Amazon

FICO Score

eMentor monitors your Acceleration, Speed, Cornering, Braking, Reversing, and Phone Manipulation to calculate this score.

Seatbelt Off Rate

Once you sit in the driver’s seat. seat belt usage is being monitored. If you shift into Drive without wearing a seat belt, it counts as not wearing one. This will heavily impact your FICO score.

Speeding Event Rate

Travelling more than 10 mph over the posted speed limit for more than the distance of a city block counts as an infraction. This will heavily impact your FICO score.

DCR - Delivery Completion Rate

The percentage of packages you deliver compared to the amount you bring back to the station. The fewer packages you bring back to the station, the higher your score will be.


DAR - Delivered & Received 

The number of packages you delivered compared to how many were received by customers. Follow customer instructions, and deliver packages to safe out of sight places to maintain a high score.


POD - Photo On Delivery

A measure of how often you take photos of delivered packages. Use scan codes that allow you to take photos whenever possible to maintain a high score.

CC - Contact Compliance

A measure of how often you attempt to contact customers when marking a package as Undeliverable. Attempts to contact customers are only counted if you go through the proper steps in the Flex app. Always Call/Text/Call.

SC - Scan Compliance

A measure of how many packages you scan before delivering them. Be sure to scan packages you’re marking as Undeliverable. Packages you have Dispatch or RTS mark as Delivered or Undelivered will negatively impact your score.


AD - Attended Deliveries

Deliveries where you deliver directly to the customer. Try to use Delivered To Customer scan codes as infrequently as possible. Use scan codes that allow you to take a photo whenever possible, even if handing a package off directly to a customer. 


DNR - Did Not Receive 

The number of packages that were not received by customers. Always try to deliver packages to a safe spot that is not visible to passersby, and take photos to prove that you did in fact deliver packages to a customer.

POD Opportunities

The number of opportunities in which it was possible to take a photo of a delivery. Make sure to try and use scan codes that let you take photos as much as possible. 

CC Opportunities

The number of opportunities you had when marking a package as Undeliverable to contact a customers. Contact attempts only count of you follow to proper steps in the Flex app. Always Call/Text/Call. 

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